Author archive: Tania

Spring Update!

Spring Update!

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog so I thought I’d write an update on everything that’s been going on. First off, I’m excited to announce that I have a Middle Grade novel coming out in July called DIARY OF A GIRL NEXT DOOR: BETTY, published by Archie Comics as part of…

Happy New Year!

I can’t believe it’s already 2014! Obviously, it’s been some time since I’ve updated this blog, but I’ve been keeping pretty busy. Last year I had a number of freelance projects that kept my schedule pretty full, including some more writing work for Archie, some comic scripting work for another client (can’t say who, yet!),…

Sabrina the Teenage Witch Volume 1 Giveaway!

Sabrina the Teenage Witch Volume 1 Giveaway!

Archie comics sent me this lovely box of Sabrina Volume 1 comps and I’d love to pass some along to you, my fans! I’m hosting a little giveaway where I’ll be giving away 5 signed, doodled copies of Sabrina volume 1. There’s many ways to earn extra entries and the contest will run for a…

Winter Wilder Sample – Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2 They’re Fenris too. Fenris like me. Suddenly, I’m not alone. Suddenly there exists a possibility, however slim, of being around people where I can be myself; without having to hide this huge secret. At first, I’m furious that my mom didn’t divulge this information sooner, but the fury quickly gives way to curiosity…

Winter Wilder Sample -Chapter 1

CHAPTER 1  “I love you.” The words escape my lips before I realize what I am saying.  I hold my breath as a wave of sheer terror overcomes me. My skin ripples, my teeth ache. Jeff and I still haven’t exchanged the big “L” word yet.  I’ve been meaning to save it for whenever we…

In Plain Sight Part 2

IN PLAIN SIGHT Part 2 The next day at Prachtig, Lucas flinched at every sound; watched every soldier with distrust, anticipating the moment he would be seized. But nothing happened, and he wondered if Margeaux had been right about Amelia. Perhaps their secret was safe after all. A piece of a paper, tossed by the…

In Plain Sight Part 1

This is part one of a short YA story (1500 words total) that I submitted to one of Writer’s Digest’s short story contests. It’s about a wartime romance between a boy named Lucas and a girl named Margueux, who each harbor secrets that could have them killed. The story is inspired by a dream I…

Curiospondence the First: Jackson & Nicoletta

CURIOSPONDENCE THE FIRST: Jackson and Nicoletta. May 16th, 1886 My Darling Nicoletta, This is the first letter I am sending you from my journey, though truth be told, I have only been at sea for one week so there is not much yet to report. It already feels like a lifetime since you and little…

Sun Kissed Part 5

SUN KISSED Part 5 Still, a part of me feels deathly afraid as Sol activates the chute, and the old machinery chugs to life with a deafening cacophony of whirring and chugging. What if the thing breaks down halfway to the surface? What if the top has been sealed off by debris? That elevator could…

Sun Kissed Part 4

SUN KISSED Part 4 True to his warning, we walk for a long time. We stumble a little here and there, and our radars alert us to a wide chasm, which we skirt around carefully, but for the most part, the terrain is level. Hours pass and I’m beginning to feel a little uneasy. We’re…
